Marseille, Haiti

Marseille is a place in the region of Nord-Est in Haiti. Find all facts and information about Marseille.

Facts and figures on Marseille at a glance

Name: Marseille (Marseille)
Status: Place
Region name (Level 2): Wanament
Region name (Level 1): Nord-Est
Country: Haiti
Continent: North America

Marseille is located in the region of Nord-Est. Nord-Est's capital Fort Liberte (Fort Liberté) is approximately 21 km / 13 mi away from Marseille (as the crow flies). The distance from Marseille to Haiti's capital Port-au-Prince (Port-au-Prince) is approximately 119 km / 74 mi (as the crow flies).

Maybe also interesting: Distances from Marseille to the largest places in Haiti.

Facts and figures about Marseille
Marseille MarseillePlace-Nord-Est Département du Nord-Est

Map of Marseille

Map of Marseille, Haiti / View larger map of Marseille

Hotels in Marseille

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Information on Marseille

Information on Marseille
Place nameRegion name Level 2Region name Level 1CountryContinent
Marseille MarseilleWanament WanamentNord-Est Département du Nord-EstHaitiNorth America

Time in Marseille

Time in Marseille
Current timeSummer time (DST)Standard timeCurrent timezone offsetTimezone
Wed, 1 May 2024 - 3:42pm (15:42h)In effect (+1 hour)Wed, 1 May 2024 - 2:42pm (14:42h)GMT UTC -4.0America/Port-au-Prince

Geographic coordinates of Marseille

Latitude & Longitude of Marseille
PositionLatitude (width)Longitude (length)
Show on map19°28'60.0"N (19.4833300°)71°46'60.0"W (-71.7833300°)

Distances from Marseille

Distances from Marseille
To equator (0° lat)To prime meridian (0° lon)To the largest places
2,159 km north of the equator7,473 km west of the prime meridianDistances from Marseille

Places around Marseille

41 places found within 5 km around Marseille. You can expand the radius of your search: 10 km15 km
Places in the regional area of Marseille
Ali Ali-1.7 km 1.1 mishow
Bongle Bongle-1.9 km 1.2 mishow
Cotino Cotino-1.9 km 1.2 mishow
Blond Blond-1.9 km 1.2 mishow
Diasa Diasa-1.9 km 1.2 mishow
Coplo Coplo-2.2 km 1.3 mishow
Reforme Réforme-2.2 km 1.4 mishow
Beyotte Beyotte-2.6 km 1.6 mishow
Dilaire Dilaire-2.6 km 1.6 mishow
Madame Jean Joseph Madame Jean Joseph-2.6 km 1.6 mishow
Poirier Poirier-2.6 km 1.6 mishow
Templier Templier-2.6 km 1.6 mishow
La Garenne La Garenne-3.1 km 1.9 mishow
Acul des Pins Acul des Pins-3.3 km 2.0 mishow
Nau Nau-3.5 km 2.2 mishow
Savane Longue Savane Longue-3.5 km 2.2 mishow
Madame Constant Madame Constant-3.5 km 2.2 mishow
Pierrot Pierrot-3.7 km 2.3 mishow
Candela Candela-3.7 km 2.3 mishow
Depe Dépé-3.7 km 2.3 mishow
Larode Larode-3.7 km 2.3 mishow
Nan Bois Pin Nan Bois Pin-3.7 km 2.3 mishow
Bori Bori-3.7 km 2.3 mishow
Ca Poyo Ca Poyo-3.8 km 2.4 mishow
Pain Chorte Pain Chorte-3.8 km 2.4 mishow
Goulin Goulin-4.0 km 2.5 mishow
Joulin Joulin-4.0 km 2.5 mishow
Sence Sencé-4.0 km 2.5 mishow
Mathurin Mathurin-4.0 km 2.5 mishow
Horier Horier-4.0 km 2.5 mishow
Madame Constant Madame Constant-4.0 km 2.5 mishow
Merande Mérande-4.0 km 2.5 mishow
Vano Vano-4.0 km 2.5 mishow
Saint-Fol Saint-Fol-4.1 km 2.5 mishow
Bosse Bosse-4.1 km 2.5 mishow
Chapotin Chapotin-4.1 km 2.5 mishow
L'Amy L’Amy-4.1 km 2.6 mishow
Chancerelles Chancerelles-4.1 km 2.6 mishow
Jean Rabel Jean Rabel-4.4 km 2.8 mishow
Jourdain Jourdain-4.6 km 2.8 mishow
Lorier Lorier-4.7 km 2.9 mishow

Airports around Marseille

No airports found within 15 km around Marseille. You can expand the radius of your search: 50 km100 km

External sources of information on Marseille

Marseille on Wikipedia